Monday, June 6, 2011

What I have been doing in my spare time...

I have found a love for working in my yard. It has been fun this year to do some new things with my yard and garden. My favorite yard project was my window box that I bought at Rod Works and then planted myself and with help from my dad hung it from my side patio fence. Bryan and I even found out that we could fix our own sprinklers. In all my digging and planting I had accidentally broken a lot of the pieces to our drip system in the flower beds. In addition to those problems there were many of our sprinkler heads that were either not working or not working very well. We were pretty proud of ourselves for figuring out how to fix them and then fix them. It is fun and very therapeutic to work out in the yard and even more fun to enjoy it once the work is done.

This was the only spot I could think of to plant any vegetables. The ground is not very good, but I thought I would start this year with some Zucchini plants and if they grow successfully I will expand next year.

My dad showing off our handy work! I love this, if I had the money I would make many more.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Your yard looks beautiful! And your planter box does too! I wish I liked working in the yard.